Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Rik & Stan

Our buddy Gary over at Tane Furniture Design has done it again! Check out the latest gorgeous vintage pieces he has brought back to life with our prints! We are particularly excited about this job because not only did he order meterage in custom colourways, but he also finished these pieces mere weeks after receiving the textiles. It's so nice seeing the end result so soon after pulling the fabric off the printing table.

Let us introduce, 'Slick Rik', the ladies man:

'Slick Rik' reupholstered in custom Birch in Olive colourway by Tane

'Slick Rik' - detail

'Slick Rik' - arms and legs being brought back to life

'Slick Rik' reupholstered in custom Birch in Olive colourway by Tane

And also introducing 'Big Stan and Little Stan':

'Big & Little Stan', reupholstered in custom Wrens in Charcoal by Tane

'Big & Little Stan' - arms and legs being sanded back

'Big & Little Stan' - gluing Big Stan back together

'Big & Little Stan' - detail

Thank you so much again Gary for making our textiles look so gorgeous!!

xx Lara & Teegs.